Releases This Week
Posted by Rampant Coyote on December 18, 2015
Final Fantasy VI – considered by many to be the best game of the entire series – released on PC this week. You can find it on Steam at this link, but I’m not sure where else. I’m not sure what I can say about it that hasn’t already been said by many more qualified than me. The original is a classic. It’s excellent. Like, really excellent, one of the best jRPGs of all time. It’s steampunk-ish. As far as the port to the PC, there are some complaints. The jump to higher resolution and a diversity of gaming platforms did not come without a cost.
As for me? I’m okay with it. This probably says a lot about why I shouldn’t be trusted to make games, but while there are some things that don’t look quite right (the mix of styles, mainly, and the blurred look of the sprites), I’ve had fun playing. It’s going to take a LOT of playing to get back to where I last played many years ago. But there is also one great improvement: The two characters in the intro sequence are now named “Biggs” (not “Vicks”) and “Wedge,” after the characters in the original Star Wars movies.
And … speaking of which… there’s a movie out now. Something that I want to believe will be as awesome as I dream it could be. But I’ve been heartbroken before. I’ve got tickets for Monday. PLEASE avoid details / spoilers for at least a couple of weeks, okay? Thanks.
UPDATE: And one more! Underrail is now officially released. You can snag it on Steam or on GOG.COM. It’s a turn-based isometric-view post-apocalyptic indie RPG. I played an alpha demo of it a long time ago and thought it seemed like it had great potential. It looks even better now. Coolness!
Rock on and stay awesome!
Filed Under: Game Announcements, Movies - Comments: 2 Comments to Read
The Old Farmer said,
Like you I too am looking forward to getting in to Underrail, I have had it for years and played it way back when it only had the intro area / tutorial done and enjoyed it then. Damn so many games out now and even with time to play in my off season you can only game so much before real life interferes.
I can’t believe how great the selection of games on the PC is now compared to between 2000 and 2010. Almost gave up on gaming then.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
MalcolmM said,
I’ve never heard of UnderRail until this week. It certainly looks good, I’ve added it to my wish list.
I agree that this is definitely a golden age for PC gaming. So many worthwhile games to play and not enough time to play them all. Money has ceased to become an issue for me when buying games. Most games quickly dropping to at least 50% off a few months after they are released. Not to mention that in inflation adjusted terms, even at full price PC games have never been so cheap.
Merry Christmas