Utah Game Jam
Posted by Rampant Coyote on August 20, 2014
On Friday September 12th through Sunday the 14th, game-makers of all stripes in the Salt Lake area are invited to the Utah Indie Game Jam. There’s more information at the site. Note that board game developers are invited as well… it’s not just about game controllers and real-time graphics.
If interested, please register, as space is limited:
Second Annual Utah Indie Game Jam, September 12-14th
I wish I could personally participate, but this entire month is one big game jam for me, and I think my wife would kill me if I took the first free weekend after the Comic Con demo to participate in an optional game jam. It wouldn’t be pretty.
Filed Under: Game Development - Comments: Read the First Comment
McTeddy said,
I wish I lived in a place with a game industry. I’d love to go to these game nights and jams you keep talking about.