Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Indie RPG Updates and Events

Posted by Rampant Coyote on May 19, 2010

Patches and a tournament!

Avernum 6

Spiderweb Software has updated Avernum 6 for Windows to v1.0.1. This free update fixes a handful of bugs and balance issues, and, as Spiderweb reports, “is the next stage in our tireless assault against typos. Installing this update is a good idea.”

Screenshots, more information, and the update are available at http://www.avernum.com/avernum6/index.html

Eschalon: Book II

While no game-breaking bugs have been reported, Basilisk Games has squished a few, and released the 1.0.2 updated for Eschalon: Book II. The details (and the patch) can be grabbed here: http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon-book-ii-1-02-update

Din’s Curse Mini-Tournament

And Soldak Entertainment is running a series of mini-tournaments – purely for fun – for Din’s Curse.  I think it’s a clever idea.  And for “clever” I naturally mean “awesome.” He starts by creating a hardcore (meaning: permadeath!) character in a starting world. And then releases the saved game.  Your objective, for the week, is to see how high of a level you can get before dying. While it’s not totally a fair tournament… while the starting conditions are equal, things change rapidly in this game… it’s just for fun.

Details available here: http://www.soldak.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2367

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