My Moonlighting Level Designer…
Posted by Rampant Coyote on May 17, 2010
Hah! Now we know why Brian hasn’t finished Anarchy Manor yet!
He’s totally been moonlighting for Gareth on Scars of War!
Actually, I encouraged him to do this. Hopefully Gareth and I won’t end up in any kind of bidding war over his services. He’s done some great work for me, and hopefully continues to do so for both of us, and we’ll be able to get as much cheap work out of him as possible before he gets snatched up by a mainstream game development shop full-time. Or gets contracted by hundreds of li’l indies or something.
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Gareth Fouche said,
And I do appreciate you pointing him in my direction, he’s been doing great work!
As you say, we must get as much work out of him as possible before some mainstream developer snatches him up. Or, as I like to phrase it, we must “help him build his portfolio”. 🙂