Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Why Indies Rock – Example #488

Posted by Rampant Coyote on January 27, 2012

The Day Job has gone into full-on crunch mode, making the blogging thing difficult.  I apologize. I’m gonna do my best, but it’s going to be rough going for another couple of weeks.

So today I’m just going to pass along a link provided by Craig Stern, of Sinister Design (Telepath RPG) and IndieRPGs.com. He provided it as a “perfect example of why it’s worth supporting indie developers even when comparable games are available on GOG.” The developer in question is Almost Human, the game is the upcoming RPG that I, for one, am REALLY looking forward to, “The Legend of Grimrock.”

‘Nuff said, I think.

Filed Under: Indie Evangelism - Comments: 15 Comments to Read

  • Anon said,

    This is truly awesome and seriously cool – look at his reaction time for the implementation!

    This wouldn’t work for all situations, of course, but some people/companies wouldn’t react in a year…

  • Katie Cunningham said,

    This makes me so unspeakably happy.

  • Fumarole said,

    That’s superb enough to once again reaffirm my faith in humanity.

  • getter77 said,

    Good stuff, similar to how the Dungeons of Dredmor team aimed for play accommodation when some prospective players raised the issue of their being color blind.

  • LateWhiteRabbit said,

    This is great to see. Legend of Grimrock looks better every time I see it, and the development team looks to be one deserving of support.

    I’ve always believed game developers should be more accommodating to gamers with disabilities, especially when it often takes so little effort to do so.

    Left-handed controls for the 10% of the population that is left-handed.

    Allowing ALL keys to be rebound so players like HarpoonIPA can set up controls that work comfortably with their specialty gaming devices.

    Including color-blind modes if your game depends on color codes to relay information.

    Including subtitles for all dialogue and cutscenes for deaf gamers.

    None of those things takes very long to implement, but unfortunately a lot of developers don’t take the time to do so. Sadly this is usually not due to time or money constraints, or being mean, but simply because game developers never consciously think of or consider disabled gamers when planning a game.

    I don’t consider left-handed people as having a disability, but because my best friend was left-handed I often watched him struggle to do things or adapt to controls in games that were created with only right-handed gamers in mind. Though he’s dead now, because of him I whenever I am designing controls or setting up a key-binding system I always make the conscious effort to support left-handed players.

    Likewise, I became cognizant of the difficulties the deaf encounter in games after becoming friends with a deaf co-worker. It is amazing in this day and age all the things a major game can forget to subtitle. It’s not always just dialogue. If an alarm is blaring or a loud explosion just occurred off-screen, those are things that need to be subtitled as well.

    Sometimes game developers just need to be reminded that disabled player’s exist – most developers are more than happy to design accessibility once they are reminded the need is there.

  • jwmeep said,

    Stories like this make me happy.

  • Avalon said,

    Great stuff!

    Imagine you ask a triple-lame publisher/developer to add arrows back to your game because you’re disabled. They would just smile, yawn and ignorantly go back to polishing up their shiny graphics or dumb down their game so that even the most imbecile person on the planet is able to play it.

  • GhanBuriGhan said,

    Major brownie points earned! Also looking forward to Grimrock. Looks like it will be a fun and incredibly good-looking oldschool dungeon crawler.

  • trudodyr said,

    I was set on buying Grimrock anyway, but now I’ll also get the fuzzy feeling that I’ll support a bunch of greatly dedicated guys.

  • Ruber Eaglenest said,

    Subtitles are very important, for example, to enable easy translation to other languages, or so non English people that could understand written English but has problems with their hearing (like). Every game should have subtitles available.

    And yes, indies are amazing, like always, however the game is in real time, I’m curios if the fan that requested that feature could play the game smoothly (curious as a designer of games point of view).

  • Xian said,

    Ruber, I would guess that he could play the game smoothly since he said that he played Dungeon Master on the ST/Amiga. If I can remember back 25 years ago when I played it on the ST, DM was played entirely with the mouse and didn’t have any keyboard controls. Remakes such as Return to Chaos added those later.

    I was really impressed at the turnaround time that they implemented this feature, and even more so that they would go to those lengths at the request of a single user.

    LoG was on my must buy list already, but I want to show my support for the developers even more now.

  • Kevin said,

    First time posting here, long time reader. The comment between the dev and the user have completely convinced me to buy this game. Of course, the fact that it looks utterly awesome is a bonus, too.

  • skavenhorde said,

    This game was one on my lists to buy, but a little later on down the road. It just jumped to day one purchase.

  • Rhaid said,

    I’ll definitely be buying this one now. Thanks for sharing this.

  • Forever and a Year Ago Linkage said,

    […] Why Indies Rock – Example #488 – Aside from the coolness of accepting the feature request, check the timestamps on the discussion in this post. […]
