Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Indie Game: The Movie

Posted by Rampant Coyote on December 1, 2011

I live in Utah, and the Sundance Film Festival isn’t far away. I’ve just never had much of an interest in going.

But this year… one of the films admitted into Sundance has my interest. I still don’t know if I’ll go, but this time I just might:

Indie Game: The Movie

It looks… painful yet cool (in an uncool way that only game development can be) at the same time.

Filed Under: Indie Evangelism, Movies - Comments: 3 Comments to Read

  • jzoeller said,

    This does look pretty good.

  • Verious said,

    I’m intrigued.

  • Rubes said,

    I agree! I’ve been following this for a while now, and I contacted the directors a while back about a showing in SLC. Maybe with the nomination they’ll possibly have a separate showing for us around the time of Sundance, but we’ll see.
