Google+ Opens Social Gaming
Posted by Rampant Coyote on August 12, 2011
Like this was ever in doubt…
Google+ Launches First Set of Social Games
There are some curious differences between this and Facebook. First off – it’s not an “open platform.” At least not yet. They are starting with only a few partners for now and gradually letting more onboard to effectively beta-test their system.
Will it be more open in the future? So will plain ol’ indies be able to make Google+ games in the future? We’ll see.
Gamasutra also reports that they intend to keep their games a separate section of Google+. As I nearly swore off Facebook entirely after it became little more than a wall of spam for games I had no desire to play, I welcome that extra layer of filtering.
Filed Under: Biz - Comments: 2 Comments to Read
Adam said,
I realize this is just the beginning, and they may yet open the platform more. They allude to as much on their blog post. But I have to admit I’m a bit worried by this decision to shoot for quality before quantity. I’ve developed numerous, never finished, games and I still have the dream of finishing something one day. But if I ever do… will I be able to put my very indie game on Google +? Certainly I can’t match the quality of the big boys. I look forward to the future with Google + and I hope I’m just worrying for nothing!
Brian 'Psychochild' Green said,
I can’t see this going very well, honestly. The thing that let Zynga grow big on Facebook was getting in there and aggressively marketing their goods by pretty much abusing the viral channels. Making sure that only a select few get in early doesn’t bode well for indies. But, we’ll see I guess.