Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Game Announcement: Asguaard

Posted by Rampant Coyote on April 5, 2010

Still dealing with a back-log of indie games here. I won’t be doing one-a-day anymore, but I’m still going to have a lot of ’em that I want to make sure you are aware of. It’s kinda funny to me how indie RPGs were all but non-existent when I started Rampant Games. You had Spiderweb’s games, roguelikes, and a handful of little-known games that were usually incomplete. Now everything has changed. RPG Maker is certainly responsible for empowering a lot of game fans to become game makers, but it’s not solely responsible for this renaissance of quality homebrew computer RPGing.

And it is allowing developers to see some of their truly ginormous epic dreams come to reality.

Asguaard seems to be one of this ginormous, epic ideas. It came out at the end of last year, and I believe it is the largest game French indie developer Aldorlea Games has ever produced.  It boasts over 100 hours of gameplay, over 100 skills for your characters, over 500 locations and more than 150 “secret” rooms hidden in the game.  It’s BIG. You won’t be finishing it up in just a couple of weekends.

Asguaard takes place in a world of mythical creatures – Dwarves, faeries, and other legendary creatures. The Pandora Box has been opened, and has released a series of increasingly devastating plagues upon the world. The committee of Faeries assemble at Asguaard’s highest village, and exercise a desperate bid to summon a legendary being capable of saving the entire world – a being with the miraculous possession of a soul.

The being they summon is a human teenager from earth.

Check out the free trial of Asguaard:

Download Asguaard

Filed Under: Game Announcements - Comments: Read the First Comment

  • Stu said,

    I gotta wonder how big is big enough? 100 skills? fully integrated and useful, used more than once?

    At some point I’d be thinking.. hmm enough data for two games.

    I like big spiders! I remember the spiders in EOB… mmmm I like big spiders…
