Heading Out to FanX 2017
Posted by Rampant Coyote on March 15, 2017
FanX in Salt Lake City is a little more abbreviated this year — only two days instead of three. All things considered, I’m really okay with that. As usual, I’ll be a vendor this year, working the Xchyler Authors & Utah Authors table, but at least half of the time I’ll be wandering around the expo floor spending money, or hitting the events. It looks like most of the events at FanX this year are celebrity-related. Sadly, I probably won’t be able to catch Stan Lee on his final year of the con circuit… a vendor pass doesn’t allow me to get into the lottery to see him, and they couldn’t rent out the arena across the street like they did last year for Mark Hamill and William Shatner.
I did actually buy a photo op for the first time ever… my family and I will be getting a picture with Zachary Levi. I was a latecomer to the TV series Chuck, but I really enjoyed it once I got caught up. I’ve liked him in other shows too, although if you blinked you might have missed him in the second Thor movie.
Anyway – it’ll be fun. If you want to catch me, the easiest way will be to find me at booth 713 – the Xchyler / Utah authors booth. It will be a busy place with a lot of other authors there, but it will be my “home base” for the con, and I’ll be there several hours each day. I’ll be selling / signing books, and pretty much talking geek. 🙂  If you want a paper copy of the double-sized Cirsova #4 with my story “The Priests of Shalaz,” I’ll have six of them for sale. I’ll even deface ’em with my signature if you want. I wish I had copies of issue #5, but that one’s not quite out yet… #4 is still the latest issue.
I pretty much sold out of everything at Winter Faire and had to reorder everything. I didn’t get huge quantities, but I’ll have a few copies of the Xchyler anthologies – Mechanized Masterpieces 2, Terra Mechanica, and Beyond the Wail. I’m out of copies of Sibyl’s Scriptorium, but we may have some copies on the table.  That’s the advantage of being at a combined table with several other authors. There will be a lot of books from many other authors there, so come check it!
It’s going to be a good weekend.
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