Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Mythica 2: The Darkspore at WalMart in the U.S.

Posted by Rampant Coyote on February 10, 2016

Mythica 2: The Darkspore was released at WalMart throughout the United States yesterday. First-week sales are really important, so if you are at all inclined to check these movies out and haven’t already, and live in the U.S., now would be a great chance to snag a copy.


I’m a fan of the series (and that’s not true of all … or even most… Arrowstorm movies). The second movie was the weakest of the three released so far, but still quite enjoyable and critical to the overall story arc. It’s a little darker than the first movie, which is fun. And as my wife and daughter always remind me, it has a shirtless elf. If you still haven’t seen the first movie, Mythica: A Quest for Heroes, see that one first. I believe that one should also still be at WalMart.

Here’s a trailer for the whole series, although it only has scenes from the original three (and the effects weren’t finished):



I have worked with Kynan and Jason in the past, and would like to see them do well when their work deserves it. This does. Plus, the number of indie filmmakers both willing and able to pull off epic fantasy like this is pretty scarce, and I want to support that. Especially since their films seem to be going in generally upward trajectory in quality. So I’m helping spread the word here.

Finally, I really want to see the third movie in the stores. It’s the best of the three by far.

In related news – there are still a few days left for the Kickstarter for the fourth movie – Mythica 4: The Iron Crown. It is already fully funded, and at this point the series has been so successful that the crowdfunding really acts as more of a pre-order and audience involvement measure than anything else. Both of remaining Mythica movies have already been filmed. I’m crossing my fingers that the “upward trajectory” I mentioned holds true.

Anyway – enjoy!

Filed Under: Movies - Comments: 3 Comments to Read

  • McTeddy said,

    This series needs to get on Netflix so that I can see what you are constantly ranting about.

  • Rampant Coyote said,

    Make sure you’ve got ’em saved in your DVD queue or something.

  • Dolnor said,

    I haven’t seen a single one of them. With that said, I helped fund their kickstarter and bought the package that gives all 4 movies + soundtracks. And bought the single movie+poster+t-shirt package to be given away to a lucky fan of G&S Critical Roll show. Hopefully I’ll be “kickstarting” a new fan of the movies who will fund the next one! -)

