Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

It’s About Time… For A Game Made in No Time!

Posted by Rampant Coyote on October 27, 2015

Do you want to do a game jam, but you can never find the time? Well, courtesy of the weirdness that is Daylight Savings Time, the time has been found for you… This is a game jam that by a quirk of procedural custom takes place in zero time. You start at 2 AM and end at 2 AM, an hour later.

In the U.S., in the areas that practice DST, this happens in the wee hours of Sunday morning, November 1st, this year. Europe already had the jam a few days ago. I’ve participated a couple of times before, and it’s always been fun. And I’ve ALWAYS gone back and spent another five hours or so polishing up my game, so I’ve had the original jam entry and a more polished version. It’s interesting to note how a technically playable version that is more-or-less “done” can take five times longer to get “finished.” That ought to be a lesson…

Anyway. It’s a jam. It literally takes no time at all, at least measurable time. If you can stay up late (or get up early) and give it a shot… it’s a fun exercise.

The 0 Hour Game Jam

Maybe this week I ought to experiment with Unity’s WebGL exporting before the jam…

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