Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Blood Creek Witch is a Whitney Finalist!

Posted by Rampant Coyote on February 12, 2019

My novel, Blood Creek Witch, is a finalist for the Whitney Awards. I was not expecting that. I’m kinda floored. My category is “YA Speculative Fiction” (Fantasy is kind of its own thing with these awards, based on entries… so contemporary or urban fantasy gets put into speculative). Since it’s also my first novel, I’m […]

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Happy Halloween! And NaNoWriMo Begins at Midnight Tonight.

Posted by Rampant Coyote on October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween. Definitely a favorite here at the Barnson household. This year we are celebrating by attending a Lore podcast event at Brigham Young University. It’s gonna be fun. 🙂 And… even scarier… NaNoWriMo begins at midnight. And since I’m a bit of a night owl, I’m gonna try to get a bit of progress done […]

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Writerly Update and NaNoWriMo

Posted by Rampant Coyote on October 23, 2018

The day job is ramping up the pressure, so it is a challenge to get much done during the off hours. But I’m going for it. As I mentioned before, the latest StoryHack (#3) is out, featuring my urban fantasy story, “Shoot First.” This story was a fun one to write, as it features the […]

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What I had to learn about writing novels (after lots of short stories)

Posted by Rampant Coyote on August 17, 2018

We’re wrapping up edits on the second Blood Creek novel (Blood Creek Beast!) and I’m currently writing the third. I’m very excited about how Blood Creek Witch is doing, especially now that it’s an audiobook. Of course, I could always use 100x the visibility it currently has, but I’m pretty pleased with how this has […]

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Some Writings About Writing Available

Posted by Rampant Coyote on May 9, 2018

Wow, writing. I’ve been so slammed with the Day Job and other obligations I haven’t done very much of it the last few days. I gotta fix that. I’m starting by once again posting to the blog. 🙂  (And yes, I have had a little time to play BattleTech, which I still enjoy.) StoryBundle has […]

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Signing at Fortis College SLC Today

Posted by Rampant Coyote on April 25, 2018

As a reminder – I’ll be signing books at Fortis College today, in Salt Lake City, with copies of Blood Creek Witch and other books. Melissa McShane will also be there today. I was going to say we expect incredibly long lines, so come early… but I couldn’t keep a straight face. Fun times!  Details […]

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Book Signing at Fortis College

Posted by Rampant Coyote on April 23, 2018

I’ll be signing (and selling) books at Fortis College on Wednesday.  I’ll have copies of my new novel, Blood Creek Witch. I’m teaming up with Melissa McShane, who is also an amazing writer and I only half-jokingly say she writes books just for me. But dang, I do feel like I’m one of the handful […]

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Why Write Short Stories?

Posted by Rampant Coyote on April 11, 2018

It’s been an incredible three years for me as a writer. I’ve gone from finally having my first short story published, thinking I would “get it out of my system,” to having six stories published last year, winning the Dragoncomet short story award, my story getting included in the Hugo Award voters’ packet, and my […]

Filed Under: Short Fiction, Writing - Comments: 4 Comments to Read

Lessons learned as a pro writer (or any indie…)

Posted by Rampant Coyote on March 8, 2018

This was a series of tweets by Alexander J. A. Cortes, unrolled into a single post. There is some fantastic advice here. It’s geared towards independent writers, but most of it applies equally well to art, game development, music, etc. The Lessons of Making $$ from Writing It’s a pretty solid list, all told. If […]

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LTUE 2018 Report

Posted by Rampant Coyote on February 20, 2018

Okay, it’s been a little crazy ’round these parts. Mostly crazy in a good way. That’s my introduction and apology for being slow on the blogging front. Of course, the novel is moving forward. The Advance Reader Copies have gone out, and we’re releasing Blood Creek Witch on March 13th. I’ll have a couple of […]

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Bound for Life, The Universe, and Everything 2018!

Posted by Rampant Coyote on February 9, 2018

This time next week, I’ll be at LTUE in Provo, Utah – “Life, the Universe, and Everything.” It’s a symposium for writers, artists, filmmakers, game designers, academics, and students all about science fiction and fantasy. The panels and discussions range from nuts-and-bolts craft and technique to specialty subjects like logistics of how you keep an […]

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Blood Creek Witch – Cover Reveal!

Posted by Rampant Coyote on January 30, 2018

This is exciting news for me, personally, and I’m thrilled to finally share more details. My upcoming novel, Blood Creek Witch, is scheduled for release on March 13th by Immortal Works Press. It’s a modern-day fantasy set (mostly) deep in the ancient Appalachian mountains of West Virginia. We’ll release more details soon, but here’s the […]

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Writing: Dealing with Rejection

Posted by Rampant Coyote on January 23, 2018

If you create anything, you are going to have to deal with people who don’t like what you create. At best, they are uninterested. In some cases, you’ll get some people who derive joy from trying to destroy what you created, and tear you down. Sadly, the only other option is never to share anything […]

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Jay’s Tales – The Complete Listing

Posted by Rampant Coyote on December 21, 2017

This has been a good year for me as a writer. In 2017, I’ve had six stories published. There was supposed to be a seventh, but … we’ll see. These things get interesting sometimes. Maybe 2018, maybe never. I had a novel accepted this year by Immortal Works that we have been busy getting ready […]

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A NaNoWriMo Winner is Me. But…

Posted by Rampant Coyote on November 28, 2017

Last year, I participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for the first time, in spite of all kinds of misgivings. I did not “win,” but I came close. I’d started early, wrote 42,000 words in November, and finished at the end of the year. After some extensive revisions (because yes, it was a mess), […]

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Four Steps to NaNoWriMo Success So Far

Posted by Rampant Coyote on November 7, 2017

My word count is going to the novel rather than the blog, so I apologize. It has also been a surprisingly busy couple of weeks. A little under a week into NaNoWriMo, and I’ve added about 15,000 words to the novel. This is possibly my most productive week ever. It probably helps that we finished […]

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