Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Got Paranormal? I Need Some Early Readers.

Posted by Rampant Coyote on October 1, 2015

Beyond-the-Wail-274x200Hey folks, the book launch for the new paranormal anthology, Beyond the Wail, is less than two weeks away, and we could use a few more advance readers to check out an early version of the ebook in exchange for some honest reviews on Amazon and / or Goodreads.

If you are willing to do this, contact me ASAP. There’ll be a lot of reading over the next few days (twelve stories, after all), but hey… free ebook. 🙂 It’s not the finished version… we’re finishing up the final proofing and formatting right now, but it’ll be pretty close.

I’m not sure of the formats, but usually we have it available in the major formats (PDF, Kindle, and epub).  Contact me (jayb at this site) if you are interested.

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