Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Reminder: Frayed Knights 2 at Salt Lake Gaming Con!

Posted by Rampant Coyote on August 5, 2015

Frayed_cover_finalFor the next three days, my presence on the Interwebz will be limited to maybe early morning and late night, if at all. Because I will be busy showing off the glorious uber-awesomeness that is Frayed Knights 2: The Khan of Wrath at Salt Lake Gaming Con!

If you are in the Salt Lake City area and you are a gamer… be there! Tickets are relatively cheap ($25 for all three days, or $15 – $20 for a day pass), and there’s supposed to be a lot going on. A bunch of us local indies will be talking quite frankly at a panel on Friday (unsure of time… either noon or 4:00 PM) on “the roadmap to indie success.” I will only be one voice of many, and not the most experienced by far. 🙂

FK2AtComicCon1And aside from that, I’ll be with the really cool Utah Games Guild Arcade, showing off tons of awesome locally-made indie games. This was a great experience last year at Salt Lake Comic Con. I expect this event to be much, much better. Unlike Comic Con, folks at this event are  coming to PLAY! At least, that’s the expectation. Beyond getting the chance to check out the local indie game scene, there’ll be tournaments, parties, panels with gaming personalities (voice actors, developers, etc.), TONS of games of all kinds to check out and play, a cosplay competition, and more.

Anyway, it should be a pretty good time. I will probably be half-dead by Saturday night, but it’ll be in a good cause.

If you can make it, please come by and say hi! I’ll be happy to see you there! You can play through (an abbreviated version of) the first part of the game, offer your thoughts, talk about the game, or talk about… other games, if you want. Have fun!

If you can’t, by all means, have fun anyway!



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