Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!


Posted by Rampant Coyote on April 26, 2014

The blog will be going down for maintenance at some point this weekend. The outage will probably only be a couple of hours. This should not affect the main Rampant Games website ( http://rampantgames.com )

Sorry I don’t have a more specific time, but – in the words of Susan Ivanova in Babylon 5, I’m in the middle of fifteen things, all of them annoying.

Filed Under: General - Comments: 3 Comments to Read

  • Bad Sector said,

    And the forum is now completely gone 🙁

  • Rampant Coyote said,

    Well, not completely. But it exists now only as database entries. I don’t know if I’ll resurrect them in some form or not. As bad as the spambots are on the blog – on the forums, they completely overwhelmed the software. I’m serious. As in – I couldn’t even edit and prune out the spambots anymore due to a timeout error with the web tools.

  • Bad Sector said,

    You may need some other forum software. One of the downsides of phpBB’s popularity is that it attracts a ton of spam.

    Maybe something like myBB (http://www.mybb.com/) is better (and has the ability to import phpBB sites)? It seems to provide captcha out of the box (and has additional plugins for security). It won’t stop humans from sites like mechanical turk, but it should stop most spambots as long as it is kept up to date (i don’t know about phpBB but in some other scripts all it takes to update them is to click a single “Update now” button in the admin panel).
