Lord British Wants *You* to Port His RPG…
Posted by Rampant Coyote on April 17, 2014
This looks like fun for programmers around here…
Before there was Ultima, before there was even Akalabeth: World of Doom, there was…. DnD1. On a PDP 11 mini-computer.
There’s a one-month contest going on at Richard Garriott’s Portalarium – a contest to port his first computer RPG to Unity and to the browser. This is a port, not an enhancement – it is supposed to be as faithful to the original as possible, right up to mimicking the font for the character graphics on a yellowed background like the old teletype paper.
Winners and runners-up get some bonus account stuff in Shroud of the Avatar. It sounds like the intent is to have the game actually be playable inside Shroud of the Avatar, which would be kinda cool. I’m sure they have plans for the web-version as well.
Anyway, this sounds super-cool, although I wonder if they’ll end up with a bunch of absolutely identical entries.
The contest only goes for a month. So… programmers, get coding!
Richard Garriott’s DnD#1 Contest!
Filed Under: Programming - Comments: Read the First Comment
Anon said,
Program something for this PR use for free (ingame items cost them nothing)?
I think this is “super stupid” – to put it mildly.