Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

This Is What Indie Gaming Is About…

Posted by Rampant Coyote on November 4, 2011

I discovered two new indie games this last week or so that I’ve been absolutely delighted with. Nimbus, a gliding platform / puzzle game by Noumenon Games, and Inside a Star-Filled Sky, a nicely mind-blowing procedurally-generated “recursive” shooter by Jason Rohrer.


Neither are the kinds of games I normally gravitate towards. And they may not be your “thing,” either. But they have been excellent and a lot of fun for me. These are the games that remind me why I love indie games. As long as we have people making these kinds of games (and, of course, those indie RPGs I am so fond of…), I’m not going to worry too much about our hobby. The AAA side of the fence can keep making its endless clones of third-person shooters and sandbox gangster games and the latest tweaks on the sports franchises. I don’t care — I might play one once in a while.

But if you need me, I’ll be playing these quirky, beautiful little indie games.

Filed Under: Indie Evangelism - Comments: 5 Comments to Read

  • getter77 said,

    Nice finds, Star Filled Sky definitely seems to deserve a spot on my to-buy list.

    It is a dual-edged sword for me though—on the one hand something of a pleasing relief to see these small outfits getting good stuff out there, on the other a bit of trepidation on actually finding out about them consistently/ “in time” such that they can get support and stay lively as opposed to something years discontinued because the visibility in the crowd just wasn’t there. Something of a “Cool, now what else have I been missing?” since devs and nifty projects are scattered across the world.

  • Rampant Coyote said,

    Heh, that’s kind of the story of my life, even on the indie RPG front. I’m still occasionally learning about gems (if rough, unpolished ones) that have been around a while that I’ve never heard of before. And I should totally know this stuff!

    I actually discovered Nimbus when I bought it with the Indie Royale pack. Nice surprise! Inside a Star-Filled Sky I stumbled across and it intrigued me enough to buy the thing. It was definitely worth it for me, but your mileage may vary.

  • delve said,

    I find PlayThisThing occasionally highlights something I find interesting. They pointed me at Star Filled Sky, which is properly mind bending and sadly quickly outstrips my twitch reflexes.

  • Karry said,

    “two new indie games this last week or so that I’ve been absolutely delighted with”

    If THAT is what you’re been “delighted” with – you’ll probably cream your pants when you see Stealth Bastard.

  • Xian said,

    I hadn’t heard of either of these, but they look interesting. My usual channel for finding out about indie games is this blog, or the ones that Steam features. I think I have bought more indie games due to Steam featuring them this year that I ever have – Amnesia, Avadon, the Deathspank Series, Terraria, and just yesterday Your Doodles are Bugged, and I am sure I missed some titles.
