A New Wizardry – Kinda
Posted by Rampant Coyote on May 13, 2011
I’ve posted about this one briefly before. But I’m just sayin’ – I *would* be buying this if they port it to the PC. Not expecting that, but I would. Or for XBox, for that matter.
Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls coming to the U.S.
There are several PS3 exclusives that collectively almost convince me to get one. Almost. But I look at all my games for the XBox 360, barely played, and realize I can’t really justify it. My XBox might as well be called my “Rock Band and Netflix Player.” I can’t justify buying another system.
Hat tip to RPG Codex for the link.
Filed Under: Game Announcements, Mainstream Games - Comments: 9 Comments to Read
skavenhorde said,
If this was on the XBox 360 or PC then I would get this just for the fact that they have creeping coins in it
@Jay Do you have Red Dead Redemption? My XBox is my Red Dead Redemption and Cthulhu Saves the World machine 🙂
Rampant Coyote said,
Nope, don’t have DRD, though I do have Cthulhu Saves the World.
Demiath said,
I’ve fooled around a bit with some of the (many!) Wizardry games available on consoles, and while the actual ports of the original Sir-Tech games tend to be really nice – especially the fancy PS1 compilation of Wizardry 4-5 and the sadly untranslated Wizardry 6 for the Super NES – there’s definitely something very generic and unimaginative about the rest of the mostly Japan-exclusive releases. A notable exception is the incredibly atmospheric Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land (PS2), which I really need to play more of at some point.
Jay K said,
Think of the PS3 as an advanced, upgradable, Blu-Ray player. That’s how I got mine. 🙂
McTeddy said,
I do find it amusing that the American classic is now a Japanese only series.
I was impressed by Tales of the Forsaken Land. I haven’t made it far because I may or may not have scratched the DVD… but what I played felt darn good. It may have been different than the originals, but it was still a darn good game.
But sadly… one game isn’t enough reason to buy a PS3… especially considering my 360 is also used only for Rock Band nowadays.
sascha said,
Don’t have PS3 and not even a XBox and will not buy any because I wouldn’t have time to use them anyway. However it’s good to see the Wizardry series being back in business in a more or less fan-pleasing form. I’m not sure how the combat-system etc. will look like but the visuals look very artistic (in a good way). Wizardry might be one of the few western RPGs that are ‘well known’ in Japan. Remember, Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) is a fan of Wizardry and his movie Avalon is based to a degree on the game.
Moonmonster said,
The PS2 Wizardry game was pretty cool. Added a stunning amount of mood & story & character to what was originally ‘Here’s ten levels, there’s a wizard to kill at the bottom of it. Go!’
On a side note, I have a Rockflix 360 too. Thing is, I’ve played, and still play, so much rock band, it works out pretty well on a cost-per-hour basis. So I don’t mind so much. 😀
Rampant Coyote said,
I recently forked over the cash for a Pro Guitar controller for the dang thing. But it’s still been worth the investment.
Xian said,
I’ve seen some PS3s going pretty cheap lately on craigslist, people that couldn’t wait for PSN to come back up. That will probably change soon though.
I got one for the Blu-Ray player. I figured I might as well spend a little more and get a player that has other capabilities, such as playing games. I have only played Ratchet & Clank, Demons Souls, RDR, and a couple other titles but I have really used the Blu-Ray and upscaling DVD capabilities a lot.