Tales of the Rampant Coyote

Adventures in Indie Gaming!

Indie Gaming Poll

Posted by Rampant Coyote on October 27, 2010

Feel like fessing up about your indie gaming habits?

Indie Superstar has a poll for you.

I kinda worry the poll will be skewed by the kinds of people who actually hear about it… but hey, ya gotta start somewhere.

Filed Under: Indie Evangelism - Comments: 4 Comments to Read

  • Tormod Haugen said,

    Link b0rked; should be http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/indiepoll – missing http:// sets it relative to the rampant blog 😉

  • Rampant Coyote said,

    Fixed, thanks for the heads-up!

  • Ichiro Lambe said,

    I actually popped over to the blog to see when we could play FK, and I saw this. I want Jay Barnson to have my first born.

    No, wait. He already has his own children. So, instead: thank you!

    > I kinda worry the poll will be skewed by the kinds of people who actually hear about it… but hey, ya gotta start somewhere.

    Yeah, the poll is flawed in many ways, but I figure that if we can improve it next time, we’ll eventually become “awesome.”

  • UDM said,

    Well since Ichiro is here, I’d like to take the opportunity to praise Dejobaan again for the excellent service. No, not that kind of service. Rather, they refunded me The World Ends With You, no questions asked, simply because I didn’t enjoy it. That’s service excellence!
