Cirsova reaches funding goal, says: “I Want You to Read Me.”
Posted by Rampant Coyote on February 10, 2017
Yes, I’m old, and I think using modified versions of ancient Cheap Trick lyrics is cool. Ah, well.
Anyway – Cirsova Magazine! I’m a fan. I’m a writer. Besides promoting the story I wrote for issue #6 in a cool prehistoric Lovecraft shared world (“Queen of Shadows”), I do want to encourage folks who are at least marginally interested in it to check it out. The magazine has reached its funding goal for the two issues in 2017, so… HUZZAH! More = quicker turn around (and hopefully more issues) for 2018.
Now that the funding goal is met, the key right now is *readers*. I’ve already been paid for my story, so as far as my wallet is concerned, it doesn’t really matter if my mom is the only one who reads it. But of course, I would love for my story to be seen and read by many. And so would my editor. So would the advertisers. So would you, if you want to advertise! (That’s an option too).
But if you wanted to just be able to read a bunch of stories (including mine) for CHEAP – the digital pre-order price is $1 for *BOTH* issues. $0.50 a copy. Adjusted for inflation, that’s much, much cheaper than the original pulps that Cirsova is styled after used to cost. They really just want more readers. They want you to want them! 😀
You can get a $1 subscription to both issues (or pre-order paper copies) here:
Cirsova 2017 (#s 5 & 6): Lovecraft, Swords and Space Ships!
Additionally – if you just want to check it out what kind of stories you are in for, the articles from Issue #1 and Issue #2 are available for free on the website. Issue #4 is available for sale… with my story, The Priests of Shalaz, in digital or paperback form at Amazon, at Smashwords, and a hardcover book is available at Lulu.
Pulp was all about cheap, new stories for the common reader. Cirsova seems to be doing its best in that respect. If you are at all interested in these kind of pulp-style fantasy and science fiction they publish, it’s worth checking out.
Just act fast – there’s only two weeks left on the “crowdfunding” campaign.
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