Quadrilateral Cowboy Wins IGF Grand Prize
Posted by Rampant Coyote on March 3, 2017
I was looking forward to Quadrilateral Cowboy for a long time… a weird, retro-future cinematic cyberpunky adventure game with cube-headed people about hacking set in the 1980s. For a while, I was even afraid this project by Blendo Games was dead. It took four years to complete after its big splash in 2013. They finally […]
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Pulps: Just a Training Ground for Authors?
Posted by Rampant Coyote on March 2, 2017
When I first started browsing the science fiction section in bookstores as a kid, they weren’t all that huge. Fantasy and science fiction were mixed together. This was smack-dab in the era of the original Star Wars trilogy… probably around the time The Empire Strikes Back came out. The school bookshelves were far more limited. […]
Filed Under: Books, Short Fiction, Writing - Comments: 17 Comments to Read